Category: Performance Metrics

  • Handicap System Maths

    Handicap System Maths

    Since the new UK handicap and classification systems were released last year, I’ve had a steady stream of enquiries from fellow archery geeks wanting to understand a bit more about the maths of how the system works. So, this will be the first article in a series that will explain all of this. The UK…

  • UK Indoor Archery Rounds – The Finer Details

    UK Indoor Archery Rounds – The Finer Details

    A while ago, I wrote a post about all about rounds – what they are, how they’re structured, all the different familys and formats. That covered the basics, but after seeing lots of lively discussions on social media recently, I thought I’d drill down into some of the finer details of the indoor rounds, which…

  • Overview of the New Indoor Handicap and Classification Systems

    Overview of the New Indoor Handicap and Classification Systems

    (Quick links – Full indoor tables here, mobile-friendly tables here, and custom tables here) The indoor classification has been in need of some serious changes for a very long time, and finally, going into the 2023-24 indoor season those changes have been made. The old system was not very inclusive at all. The only categories…

  • Master Bowman Tier Classification Claim Validator

    Master Bowman Tier Classification Claim Validator

    This is just a very short post to announce the release of a new tool on the website to validate claims for Master Bowman, Grand Master Bowman, and Elite Master Bowman classifications. These awards require 36 dozen arrows to be shot at appropriate qualifying levels, depending on your category. This simple tool lets you enter…

  • Beginner’s Series: Part 3 – Outdoor Classifications

    Beginner’s Series: Part 3 – Outdoor Classifications

    (This article is aimed at novice archers. If you’re a club records officer who has to administer the system, there’s a more appropriate article here) Just like the coloured belts in karate, the classification system in UK Archery represents a set of 9 milestones on an archer’s journey for beginner to master. Instead of belts,…

  • Beginner’s Series: Part 2 – Handicaps

    Beginner’s Series: Part 2 – Handicaps

    Handicaps are an important concept used in UK archery, and some other countries too. They are not as well-used as they were in the past, but it’s a really useful idea to know about that can help you in numerous ways. What is a handicap? Just like in other sports, most notably in golf, a…

  • How to be an Archery Club Records Officer: Part 4 – Outdoor Classifications

    How to be an Archery Club Records Officer: Part 4 – Outdoor Classifications

    Just like the coloured belts in karate, the classification system in UK Archery represents a set of 9 milestones on an archer’s journey for beginner to master. It is the job of the club records officer to track the classification level of each club member. As with all the articles in this series, I would…

  • How to be an Archery Club Records Officer: Part 3 – Handicaps

    How to be an Archery Club Records Officer: Part 3 – Handicaps

    One of the key roles of the records officer is to maintain a list of handicaps for the archers in the club. As with the other articles in this series, I would strongly recommend you use some records management software to do this as it can be quite time consuming to do it manually. However,…

  • How to be an Archery Club Records Officer: Part 1 – The Basics

    How to be an Archery Club Records Officer: Part 1 – The Basics

    I get lots of questions from people who are new to the role of Club Records Officer about what the role involves and how to do it, so I thought I’d write it all down into a multi-part guide. This first part will cover the basics of what the role involves, and then subsequent parts…

  • Handicap Tools and Table Generation

    Handicap Tools and Table Generation

    The UK archery handicap system is one of the most underrated assets we have in this country. It provides a mathematically rigorous way of quantifying accuracy in archery, and then uses that to calculated expected scores on different rounds for that level of accuracy. The system was originally devise by the late David Lane, and…

  • Mobile Friendly Classification Tables

    Mobile Friendly Classification Tables

    The standard PDF classification tables are perfect for printing out and putting in your bowbag. You could even fold them down the middle and laminate it in an A5 pouch if you’re really keen. However, when you’re out on the field, the wide A4 Landscape format is not ideal for looking at on your phone.…

  • Raw Data for the New Handicap and Classification Systems

    Raw Data for the New Handicap and Classification Systems

    This article is aimed at fellow archery geeks who are interested in the data behind the new handicap and classification systems. For non-geeks, this data is much more accessibly presented in the official tables, available from ArcheryGB, or from the links at the top of this page. One of the key principles of the new…

  • A Graphical Look at the new Classification System

    A Graphical Look at the new Classification System

    The 2023 release of the ArcheryGB classification system is the biggest change for some time. In total, the new system contains 18,479 individual scores across all the different categories and bowstyles, and with that many individual values it’s hard to fully appreciate the structure of the system. Luckily, we don’t need to try and visualise…

  • Overview of the new 2023 classification system

    Overview of the new 2023 classification system

    The new UK archery classification is a significant change compared to the previous system. Let’s take a look at the what’s new – Classification Levels Old System New System 3rd Class2nd Class1st ClassBowman / Junior BowmanMaster Bowman / Junior BowmanGrand Master Bowman Archer 3rd ClassArcher 2nd ClassArcher 1st ClassBowman 3rd ClassBowman 2nd ClassBowman 1st ClassMaster…